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Description :
The 18th training session of the Better Training for Safer Food project regarding “EU rules on general food labelling and claims as well as on specific categories of foods such as food supplements, foods with added vitamins and minerals and foods for specific groups of the population” will be held online from 13th to 17th December 2021. 40 participants coming from the EU Member States, Candidate Countries, EEA countries and Third Countries will be expected to attend the training session.
Programme :
The training programme will be settled on the best methodological mix to be offered. Theorical lectures and presentations will be combined with case studies, practical exercises and group discussion.
The training will be held in English and implemented over a period of 5 days. The daily work schedule will be set from 09h00 to 17h00 maximum, with 6 hours of effective training time, split in two sessions of approximately 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon. A break of 15 minutes will be organized in the morning and in the afternoon each day.
Objectives :
The objective of this programme is to spread knowledge and best practices in relation to new role on the Official Control Regulation (OCR), to improve comprehension of this complex area of work and further harmonise the approaches and practices of the MS with a view to increasing the efficacy of the competent authorities/control bodies to verify compliance with the legal requirements in the field of statutory controls.
The “Official Control Regulation” (Regulation (EU) 2017/625) modernises EU control legislation by providing for more risk-based approach, by sharpening enforcement tools and by integrating more consistently the system of official controls in the animal health, plant health and plant reproductive material sectors. As to the financing of official controls, it aims to ensure the availability of stable and appropriate resources, ensure equity and fairness in the financing of official controls and improve transparency.
Selection procedure :
The Project Manager will be attentive to give priority the participants corresponding to the following criteria:
- Relevancy to daily work: participants should in priority be staff of Competent Authorities, with a position related to Official Controls
- Sufficient level of language: in order to ensure the transfer of knowledge and opportunities to exchange views, participants should master the language of the training session for which they applied
- Ability to share their experience: priority will be given to participants whose position will allow them to share with colleagues the outputs of the training sessions.
Deadline for application : 15th November 2021
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